Friday, November 23, 2012

You Can Plant Gardenias With These Advices

Gardenias are also known as Cape jasmine and it is one of the most exotic plants growing in United States in the present day. The scientific name for Gardenias is Gardenia jasminoides. This plant has been imported from Southern part of China. This evergreen shrub is the favorite in the southern states due to its fragrance which is like jasmine and flowers which are as white as snow. As the Gardenias can only survive in heat as well as humidity they are not suitable to be grown in northern climates.

The blooming season of the Gardenias begin in mid-spring and last up to late summer. They grow up to 8ft in height. The plant has dark green glossy leaves which form a rounded shrub. It is a perfect plant to be kept outside the windows, in the home garden as the fragrance that it transmits can be enjoyed both indoors as well as outdoors by simply opening the window.

The Gardenias require full sunlight for their growth though little shade is acceptable. The pH of the soil in which Gardenias are grown should be between 5- 6 and it should be acidic as well as rich in nutrients. In order to determine the pH level of the soil of a particular chosen area litmus paper is used. If the pH level of the soil is seen to be high, sulfur can be added to the soil to lower the level if required. For planting the Gardenias in the home garden a hole needs to be dug which is double the size of its root ball and then a fertilizer which is acidic in nature can be added to raise the pH level up to 6.0 At the bottom of the hole fertilizers which has been mixed with peat or potting soil should be spread.. In order to remove any sort of air that may have been formed around the root watering the plant thoroughly is necessary.

Gardenias are plants which are evergreen all through the year. The climate suitable for Gardenias is high humidity and heat. The best area in the home garden to grow Gardenias would be somewhere where it is moist but where water can drain off easily. After the blooming season is over the flowers of the gardenia plant is replaced by reddish orange berries which grow on the long stem. As the Gardenias come in different varieties they are suitable for any sort of landscaping purpose. Bonsai Gardenias as well as dwarf varieties have been developed to be used as indoor plants in the home garden.

The two most essential things that are necessary for the Gardenias to grow properly are moisture and fertilizers. Watering of the Gardenia plant is required to be done minimum once a week and 3-4 inches of mulch is needed to be around the trunk of the plant to retain its moisture. During the blooming season the Gardenia needs to be fertilized every month with a fertilizer which has good acid base. The shape of the Gardenia plant can be controlled by pruning it during early spring before the buds start forming of the flowers. . In order to encourage more blooms pulling off or deadheading the spent head is done and lastly by using insecticide soap the plant can be saved from whiteflies, spider mites, mealy bugs and aphids.

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