Ever noticed those beautiful daisy-like flowers that silently decorate the gardens and countryside? They are the asters, that are also said to be the flowers made of tears of the Greek goddess Asterea. When thinking about flower garden, one can never miss these beautiful flowers that add to the galore and give immense satisfaction to people who are gardening them. Aster flower family is one of the greatest fall flowers in season, that can be great, no matter how they are planted (provided they are well taken care of).
Aster flower family is very huge and is the second largest flower family that is popular in all continents of the world. The word 'aster' stands for 'star' in the Greek language. There is a special branch of botany that is dedicated to the sole study of the aster flower family, known as synantherology. Traditionally, there are two subfamilies of the aster flower family, namely, Asteroideae and Cichorioideae.
As a matter of fact, the aster flower family is also known as the daisy family or sunflower family as well. According to a study conducted by the Royal Botanical Garden on Kew, aster flower family comprises more than 23000 species and 1600 genera. Some of the largest genera of the aster flower family are Senecio (around 1500 species),Vernonia (around 1000 species) and Cousinia and Centaurea (both with around 600 species). Amongst them all, aster flower belongs to the genus aster. Having more than 600 various aster flower types. A single aster flower is a group of more than hundred small yellow flowers. They are available in a variety of colors ranging from white to purple, all looking exhilarating and beautiful.
Amongst all the prevailing 600 aster flower species, aster flower family got divided with the help of the molecular research and morphological findings. Nonetheless, finding for the best member of the aster flower family is still one of the toughest tasks. There are way too many aster flower family members that one can plan to cultivate in the flower garden. Considering about the entire aster flower family, Asteraceae, then there are many flower species that are attractive and beautiful for the gardens. Briefly, these flowers can be the White Snakeroot, White Doll's Daisy, Climbing Aster, Green and Gold, Tall Tickseed, Trumpetweed, Robin's Plantain, Pale Purple Coneflower, Sweetscented Joepyeweed, Common Sneezeweed, Jerusalem artichoke, Swamp Sunflower, Lobed Tickseed and many more.
How to Grow Aster Perennial Flower PlantsMost of the members of the aster flower family are perennial. Perennial, means, lasting for more than three seasons. This interesting aster flower fact, makes these flowers ever ready for the perennial gardens. If you are also looking for the glamorous member of the aster flower family, then let me assure you, there are plenty! Some of the most favorite flowers of the aster family are Alpine Aster, White Heath, Smooth Blue Aster, Sea Aster and New England Aster, etc are the favorites amongst the gardeners. All these flowers are perennial flower species that can even glow in the fall season gardens. Due the highly symbolic aster flower meaning, they are popular even more. Along with standing high as a symbol of love, patience and givenness, aster flower is also the birth flower of the month of September and flower for celebrating the 20th wedding anniversary as well.
Well, caring for aster flowers is very easy once you get acquainted with the fact about how to grow aster perennial flower plants. They can be grown by both seeds as well as the division of the roots. Perennial aster flowers thrive greatly through division every two to three years. Sowing the seeds first as a pert of the container gardening, meaning, in small pots or containers. Letting the get germinated for about 20 days, supplying enough shed as well as sunlight is necessary. Sow these germinated seeds into the soil, during spring. Supply plenty of water and mixture of organic compost and such fertilizers. Make sure that the aster plants are spaced more than 6 inches apart from each other, for better growth. Provide good quality types of mulch and they can be resistant to serious insects and plant diseases.
This was all about aster flower family. This family is so huge that all the members just cannot be covered at a single go. I hope I have managed to provide all the important information about the aster flower family, that you all were looking for. What are you waiting for then? Bring home your most favorite member of the aster flower family and give it the proper TLC, that it requires! Happy gardening!